L. K. Singhania Education Centre, Jhalawar
- The school has open-admission policy and has no preference or reservation for any community, caste, creed, class, religion or region.
It is done solely on the basis of merit.
- Prospectus along with admission form shall be obtained from the school office on payment of Rs.200/- in the third week of February for new admissions.
- You are advised to register your child with the school depositing the duly filled in registration cum admission form enclosed in the prospectus within
stipulated time to avoid disappointment.
- Entrance test will not be conducted up to class VIII. Admission will be granted on first come first serve basis.
- Children of 3 years by 1st of April of the year in which the admission is sought alone are eligible for admission in class nursery. The age of admission to
the other classes should be reckoned accordingly.
- Policy of double promotion and jumping of class at the time of admission are strictly not encouraged.
- In case of admission on the basis of Transfer Certificate issued from the other schools, the date of birth recorded in the T.C. shall be accepted. Request for
any change in date of birth at a later date is not entertained.
Documents required at the Time of Admission
- Class NUR: Birth certificate, 3 passport size color photographs.
- Class LKG to class VIII: Copy of Mark sheet, transfer certificate, three passport size color photographs.
- Admission to class IX will be given on the basis of marks obtained in the entrance exam conducted by the school. Entrance test will be conducted only in English
and Mathematics of class VIII level and the date for the same will be intimated well in advance.
- XI class admission will be granted based on the marks obtained in X class & admission test.
- Admission shall be granted in classes IX and XI strictly as per the guidelines of Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.
- Prescribed fee along with required documents must be deposited within a week after the provisional admission of the candidate; otherwise admission will be
automatically cancelled.
- The decision of the Principal in matters of admission is final and binding.
- For further details contact school office between 9.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m.
- If any of the parents withdraw their child from the school, one month's advance notice must be given by the parent/guardian concerned in writing to the Principal
not later than 28/29th February. TC will be issued only on payment of fee up to the end of academic year, in case, withdrawal of student is made during
anytime of the academic year. The TRANSFER CERTIFICATE will be given free of charge if taken immediately, otherwise a SEARCH FEE of Rs. 250/- will be charged.
Academic Year
- Every academic year commences from 1stApril and ends on 31st March. A long summer break (May and June) and a short winter break (January) falls in an academic
year. Academic year is divided into two terms.
I Term : April to September
II Term : October to March
Courses of Study:
- Curriculum prescribed by Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi for classes I to XII. The school offers Science, Commerce, and Humanities stream at Senior
Secondary level.
Subjects offered in Senior Secondary Level:
Group - A (Non Medical)
1. English Core(301)
2. Mathematics(041)
3. Physics(042)
4. Chemistry(043)
5. Computer Science(083) / Physical Education (048) / Music Vocal(034) / Painting (049)
Group - B (Medical)
1. English Core(301)
2. Biology(044)
3. Physics(042)
4. Chemistry(043)
5. Computer Science(083) / Physical Education (048) / Music Vocal(034) / Painting (049)
Group - C (Commerce)
1. English Core(301)
2. Accountancy(055)
3. Business Studies(054)
4. Economics(030)
5. Physical Education (048) / Music Vocal(034) / Painting (049) / Mathematics(041)
Group - D (Humanities)
1. English Core(301)
2. History(027)
3. Economics(030)
4. Sociology(039) / Political Science(028)
5. Physical Education (048) / Music Vocal(034) / Painting (049) / Mathematics(041)